Giving Wings To Your Stories


Book a call with our expert videographers today.

Inspired, Creative & Innovative

Whatever the occasion is we've got you covered!

Professional & Bespoke Photography and Videography for you or your business. We provide you with the platform and visuals for you to engage with your current and potential customer.

View Our Videography Portfolio

Kamran (Direct Properties)

"I have to give it to the WAUtech team, they delivered an awesome project way beyond my expectations. It’s no wonder I am getting my SMM from these guys too. Truly a one-stop shop!"
Professional & Bespoke Creative Media Services Catering for Both Personal & Business Needs.

Professional & Bespoke Creative Media Services Catering for Both Personal & Business Needs.

Talk to our professional media team to find out about more about our bespoke packages, to help you find the best possible service for the right price.


Team members


Video Shoots


Photo Shoots
15+ Years of Experience

We provide a high-end service with an affordable price. With years of experience our photographers and videographers are able to make your dream visions become a reality.

-New Product Launch
-Car Videos
-Story Telling
-Live Events/Promo
-Baby Shoots

Areas We Cover

Covering A Wide Variety of Commercials & Live Events.

Send us a message or give us a call.

Contact us today to start building your next project together.

    If you're interested in our services, complete the following which will only take 1-2 minutes.

    1Let's start with your name?*

    2What is your brand/business name?*

    3What would be the best number to contact you on?*

    4How can the WAUtech team help your brand/business?*

    5What would be your allocated budget for this project?*

    6How urgently do you require this project to be completed?*

    7In a brief paragraph, please explain how you would like us to help you?*

    8 Done! Thank You!
    If you want to leave us with your email so we can reach out to you with further details:*

    Send us an email

    We will reply to your email as soon as we can. promise.